churchwellnessAre your church members “fearfully and wonderfully made” or are they “fearfully falling apart”?

10 years ago Phil & Celeste Davis were falling apart physically, mentally and emotionally.  Thru a Christian doctor the Davis’ learned that cooperating with God by eating God-Made foods, clearing their hearts of unforgiveness and bitterness and developing their faith, allowed their bodies to heal of Type 2 Diabetes, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Eczema, Plantar Fasciitis, Prostate problems, and Depression.

This amazing recovery and the removal of 132 combined pounds in just 4 months gave the Davis’ a new passion…to teach the body of Christ how to redeem their health and live the abundant life Jesus promised.

Through their personal testimony, practical tips and healthy food preparation demonstrations, the Davis’ will inspire, educate and motivate you and your congregation to cooperate with God and go from Fat, Sick and Tired to Wonderfully Well.

The Davis’ are available to partner with you to redeem the health of your congregation and empower them physically, mentally and spiritually.

Book your Church Wellness event and we will get back with you within 24 hours!